
Full Stack Python Django Application Development

Professional Training

Full Stack Python Django Application Development


  • Gain the skills necessary to design, develop, and deploy full-stack Python Django web applications.
  • Master the Python programming language and its popular libraries.
  • Discover the Django framework and its advanced features, such as ORM, generic views, forms, and authentication.
  • Know how to design and implement RESTful architectures with Django REST Framework.
  • Develop modern and reactive user interfaces with front-end frameworks such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Implement software development best practices such as version control, automated testing, and continuous deployment.


The training duration can vary depending on the training provider and chosen format (in-person, online, or blended). On average, a complete Full-Stack Python Django application development training lasts between 4 and 6 months.

Career Opportunities:

  • Full-Stack Python Django Developer
  • Python Software Architect
  • Python Integrator
  • Python Consultant
  • Python Project Manager

Training Program:

Module 1: Introduction to Python Development

  • Introduction to the Python programming language
  • Basic syntax, variables, data types, and operators
  • Control structures: conditions, loops, and functions
  • Python modules and packages
  • Object-Oriented Programming in Python

Module 2: Databases and Python

  • Introduction to relational databases
  • Database Management System (DBMS)
  • Python and databases with SQLAlchemy
  • Database schema migration and management

Module 3: Discovering the Django Framework

  • Introduction to the Django framework
  • Django's MVC architecture
  • Creating Django projects and managing applications
  • Django models and Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
  • Django views and processing HTTP requests

Module 4: Django Web Application Development

  • Django forms and data validation
  • User management and authentication with Django
  • Deploying Django applications on web servers
  • Implementing Django administration

Module 5: RESTful APIs with Django REST Framework

  • Introduction to RESTful APIs and design principles
  • Developing RESTful APIs with Django REST Framework
  • Serialization and deserialization of JSON data
  • Authentication and authorization of API requests

Module 6: Modern User Interface Development

  • Introduction to front-end web technologies
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for web development
  • Integrating popular JavaScript libraries like jQuery
  • Developing reactive user interfaces with JavaScript frameworks

Module 7: Software Development Best Practices

  • Version control with Git and GitHub
  • Unit and integration testing with Python
  • Continuous deployment with tools like Jenkins or Travis CI
  • Coding and design best practices

Benefits of the Training:

  • Comprehensive and practical training that will equip you with the skills necessary to become a sought-after Full-Stack Python Django developer.
  • Training program designed by Python and Django development experts.
  • Develop modern, high-performance, and secure web applications.
  • Recognized diploma valued by companies, opening up numerous career opportunities.

Guaranteed internship

Personal mentor
Day and evening classes
Online and face-to-face courses
Diploma at the end of the training