
Fullstack NodeJS WEB application development

Professional Training

Fullstack NodeJS WEB application development


  • Basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Familiarity with command-line interface (CLI) and basic programming concepts

Module 1: Introduction to Node.js and JavaScript

  • Topic 1: Introduction to Node.js
    • Overview of Node.js and its role in web development
    • Understanding the event-driven architecture of Node.js
    • Setting up the Node.js development environment
  • Topic 2: JavaScript Fundamentals
    • Data types, variables, and operators in JavaScript
    • Control flow statements (if-else, switch, loops)
    • Functions and object-oriented programming concepts

Module 2: Core Node.js Modules

  • Topic 3: File System Operations
    • Reading and writing files using the fs module
    • Creating, deleting, and managing directories
    • Working with file paths and streams
  • Topic 4: Networking and HTTP
    • Building HTTP servers using the http module
    • Handling HTTP requests and responses
    • Consuming APIs and sending data over the network
  • Topic 5: Data Storage with MongoDB
    • Introduction to NoSQL databases and MongoDB
    • Installing and connecting to MongoDB
    • Performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations

Module 3: Building Web Applications with Express.js

  • Topic 6: Introduction to Express.js
    • Setting up an Express.js application
    • Routing and handling HTTP requests
    • Using middleware for common tasks
  • Topic 7: Templating with EJS
    • Rendering dynamic HTML pages using EJS
    • Passing data from Node.js to EJS templates
    • Creating reusable templates and layouts
  • Topic 8: User Authentication and Authorization
    • Implementing user registration and login systems
    • Storing and managing user data securely
    • Protecting routes and resources with authorization

Module 4: Advanced Node.js Concepts

  • Topic 9: Asynchronous Programming with Promises
    • Understanding asynchronous programming and promises
    • Handling asynchronous operations with callbacks and promises
    • Chaining promises for complex asynchronous tasks
  • Topic 10: Error Handling and Debugging
    • Writing robust code that handles errors gracefully
    • Using debugging tools to identify and fix errors
    • Implementing logging and error reporting mechanisms
  • Topic 11: Deployment and Testing
    • Deploying Node.js applications to production environments
    • Writing unit tests to ensure code quality
    • Utilizing tools for continuous integration and deployment

Additional Resources:

  • Online tutorials and courses on Node.js and full-stack web development
  • Documentation for Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, and other relevant libraries
  • Open-source projects and examples to learn from and prac

Personal mentor
Day and evening classes
Online and face-to-face courses
Diploma at the end of the training