
Web Developer Fullstack PHP/SYMFONY/LARAVEL

Professional Training

Web Developer Fullstack PHP/SYMFONY/LARAVEL

Become a full-stack web developer and master the most popular PHP frameworks: Symfony and Laravel.

This comprehensive program will equip you with the skills necessary to design, develop, and deploy robust and scalable web applications using PHP languages, Symfony and Laravel frameworks, and modern web tools and technologies.

Training duration:

  • Varies depending on the chosen program: Training can last from a few weeks to several months, depending on their format (in-person, online, hybrid) and their intensity (full-time, part-time).
  • It is important to choose a program that suits your learning pace and availability.


  • Basic programming concepts: It is helpful to have some prior programming experience, although this is not mandatory.
  • Motivation and desire to learn: The most important thing is to be motivated and have a desire to invest in learning new skills.


  • No diploma is required to take this program. However, obtaining a computer science degree or a professional title in web development can be an asset for your future career.
  • At the end of the training you will obtain a DQP (Professional Qualification Diploma)

Training progress:

  • This comprehensive program will cover the theoretical and practical aspects of full-stack web development with PHP, Symfony, and Laravel.
  • You will learn to:
    • Master PHP, Symfony and Laravel languages
    • Mastering front end languages ​​(HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Bootstrap)
    • Designing mobile front end with Flutter
    • Design and develop back-end and front-end web applications
    • Work with relational databases
    • Implement authentication and security systems
    • Deploy web applications in production
    • Mastery of collaborative work tools (Git, Jira)
    • Mastery of cloud computing (AWS / Azure)
    • Mastery of Devops tools (kubernate, docker, ..)
    • And much more!
  • The training will alternate between theoretical courses, practical exercises and concrete projects.
  • You will have the opportunity to put your skills into practice by carrying out web development projects.

Job opportunities:

  • At the end of this training, you will be able to apply for positions as full-stack web developer, web integrator or web development consultant.
  • You will be able to work in companies of all sizes, from startups to large groups, or even as a freelancer.
  • The opportunities are numerous and the web development market is booming.

Training cost:

  • The cost of training varies depending on its duration, format and training organization.

Personal mentor
Day and evening classes
Online and face-to-face courses
Diploma at the end of the training